
Jurnal manajemen risiko pada proyek konstruksi
Jurnal manajemen risiko pada proyek konstruksi

(2012) Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja.

jurnal manajemen risiko pada proyek konstruksi

Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatatan Kerja (SMK) Pada Proyek Konstruksi di IndonesiaĪnonim.

jurnal manajemen risiko pada proyek konstruksi

Analisis Risiko Konstruksi Pada Proyek Pembangunan Apartemen Petra Square Surabayaįebyana. Malang : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Analisis Level Keselamatan dan Kesehatan kerja (K3) Proyek Konstruksi Terhadap Risiko dan Manajemen K3.

jurnal manajemen risiko pada proyek konstruksi

Hopefully this research will serve as a reference in identifying occupational safety and health (OSH) risks, and a reference in implementing the Occupational Project Sfety Manajemen (PSM).Įrsamayori, Milen (2016). Meanwhile, the implementation of the Project Safety Management (PSM) of the Mangusada Badung Regional General Hospital Construction Project was included in the good cate-gory with a total application value of 83%. then the results of the identification are processed, and the level of risk obtained from the implementa-tion of the Mangusada Badung Regional General Hospital Development Project is included in the Medium Category, with a risk value of 6. After carrying out risk identification, 4 risk fac-tors are obtained, namely human, material, equipment and environmental factors. In this study, the object of the case study was the construction project of the Mangusada Badung Regional General Hospital, at the time of finishing work. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of risk occupational safety and health based on existing risk factors, and to measure the application level of SMK3 in a construction pro-ject. However there are still many construction companies that are lacking in identifying risks of occupational safety and health(OSH) of construction project and implementing an occupational Project Safety Management (PSM)) in the process of implementing a con-struction project. there-fore it is necessary to establish a Project Safety Management (PSM), to minimize the risk of occupational safety and health (OSH) of construction project. 895%).Every construction project, whether high-tech or simple, has risks in the implementation process. Based on research results, risk in port construction projects is influenced by external non technical (22.

jurnal manajemen risiko pada proyek konstruksi

This study aims to analyze the risk of port construction using a systematic literature review method. For this reason, a risk analysis is needed so that the implementation of port construction can be completed on time, in terms of cost, quality and time. Ports as sea transportation infrastructure have a very important and strategic role for industrial and trade growth and are business segments that can contribute to the economy and national development because they are part of the chain of transportation and logistics systems. The development of an infrastructure in the region can have the effect of increasing people's access to resources so that the increase in productivity can encourage economic growth.

Jurnal manajemen risiko pada proyek konstruksi