Once you’ve installed the templates, you’ll be able to customize the look of them by clicking on them in your sequence and navigating to the “Edit” tab in the Essential Graphics panel. This might take a moment, but it’ll be well worth it. You’ll likely need to install each template one at a time. In the lower right hand corner, click on the “Install Motion Graphics Template” button. Installing the lower thirds is simple, all you have to do is open up the Essential Graphics panel. In the above video, learn how to install, customize, and use the lower thirds in Adobe Premiere. If you’d like to download these lower third templates click on the button below: That’s why our friends over at RocketStock just released a pack of 15 Animated Lower Thirds for Adobe Premiere.

Once you’ve decided on your look, you still have to go through and make a new one for each character in the video, not to mention making them animated or usable on any background. Whether you know how to make motion graphics or not, it’s always a time consuming process that can feel a bit less than creative, making them a bit of a chore. Lower thirds can potentially be a frustrating prospect for most video editors.

With these free templates for Premiere, you can add lower thirds and customize them in no time. Lower thirds are an essential piece of video and film storytelling.