Please contact the Information Technology Helpdesk at (843) 953-3375 or by emailing to request this software.

SPSS (Mac and Windows) and AMOS (Windows only) is covered by Information Technology’s SPSS Site License, which allows installation for faculty and staff on any College-owned PC at no charge per copy. Jeff Shockley, an Assistant Professor for the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management, uses AMOS to conduct confirmatory factor analysis for measurement models, and estimates structural equation models (models that use simultaneous equations) to empirically test theoretical models. AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) is a structural equation modeling program that, while it is a separate installation, is launched from within SPSS. SPSS is a comprehensive software package that includes data management, statistics, and reporting capabilities. Information Technology provides annual licensing for SPSS statistical software and AMOS, an add-on module for SPSS.